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 Who is going to take one for the team?

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Who is going to take one for the team? Empty
PostSubject: Who is going to take one for the team?   Who is going to take one for the team? EmptyWed Aug 16, 2023 6:52 pm

i see the reluctant one is starring on this weeks argyle podcast.

i havent ever listen to argyle podcast as i feel it would be far too bias with its opinions for me to enjoy given its a club run podcast but i am interested in hearing the pure shite this shyster comes out with and also how many times they thank him for "SAVING US" but i dont want to pour auidable shit into my ears so im wondering who on here will take one for the team and report back with a review?  

im not expecting anything interesting but none the less lets see what the slimeball comes out with.

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Join date : 2023-01-01

Who is going to take one for the team? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who is going to take one for the team?   Who is going to take one for the team? EmptyWed Aug 16, 2023 8:40 pm

Washing my hair tonight!
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Who is going to take one for the team? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who is going to take one for the team?   Who is going to take one for the team? EmptyWed Aug 16, 2023 8:46 pm

Got a couple of 1999 episodes of Casualty to catch up on i'm afraid
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Who is going to take one for the team? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who is going to take one for the team?   Who is going to take one for the team? EmptyWed Aug 16, 2023 11:14 pm

Fireworks for me tonight
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Who is going to take one for the team? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who is going to take one for the team?   Who is going to take one for the team? EmptyThu Aug 17, 2023 11:25 am

Just read the farm’s thread on the subject and projectile vomiting springs to mind
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Who is going to take one for the team? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who is going to take one for the team?   Who is going to take one for the team? EmptyThu Aug 17, 2023 11:34 am

Graiser wrote:
Just read the farm’s thread on the subject and projectile vomiting springs to mind

i saw one pr post on X (the new name for Twitter) where he stated he knew nothing yet he knew he was the only one who could save the club..... total bs there where other bidders they got the the dogs of wor set on them and the truro guys group's who's plans for the stadium where remarkably simular to brents later plans which where meet with different reactions. The council buying back the stadium and the GT's paying the staff and platers their owed wages through fundraising saved the club imo more so than brent.
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Who is going to take one for the team? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who is going to take one for the team?   Who is going to take one for the team? EmptyThu Aug 17, 2023 2:06 pm

Graiser wrote:
Just read the farm’s thread on the subject and projectile vomiting springs to mind

Haven’t looked on there in years, ever since it became as impossible to read as PlymouthLive. 5% content. 95% adverts.

Is there anybody left on there that dares to give a contrary opinion on Brent??
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Who is going to take one for the team? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who is going to take one for the team?   Who is going to take one for the team? EmptyThu Aug 17, 2023 5:02 pm

Czarcasm wrote:
Graiser wrote:
Just read the farm’s thread on the subject and projectile vomiting springs to mind

Haven’t looked on there in years, ever since it became as impossible to read as PlymouthLive. 5% content. 95% adverts.

Is there anybody left on there that dares to give a contrary opinion on Brent??

A big fat resounding NO
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sufferedsince 68

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Who is going to take one for the team? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who is going to take one for the team?   Who is going to take one for the team? EmptyFri Aug 18, 2023 12:15 pm

Six years on the bounce in the fourth division, some of the worst players in argyles history signed from job centres by Brent, the ground falling apart, plans to build Dentists and other shit on club land ffs? Anybody who thinks Brent was anything but bad news is no argyle fan, keep out of our club Brent.
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Who is going to take one for the team? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who is going to take one for the team?   Who is going to take one for the team? EmptyFri Aug 18, 2023 4:20 pm

The piece of shit his still lurking about up there sponsoring players now .! And still gets the V.I.P treatment by Hallet & parky when he decides to show his slimey 4 eyed feckin face up there still
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