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tatsumakibones  Empty
PostSubject: tatsumakibones    tatsumakibones  EmptyFri Mar 31, 2023 9:35 pm

I guess many would have heard of him before this week as the enthusiastic Japanese argyle fan who has all the merch and a cutout face of Erin Black that he wears to hide his face when posting photos that get used on twitter and on that pre show has been getting some attention mainly from the bbc as he is travelling to london for the game. I believe he is being interviewed tomorrow.

i was at that game against everton only decent thing about it was Bjarni Gudjonsson's goal. Mind you didnt one of the worst striker's in the history of the cub chadshit score one of evertons goal that day which enough for the  club to buy him shortly afterwards.
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Posts : 12371
Join date : 2017-09-09

tatsumakibones  Empty
PostSubject: Re: tatsumakibones    tatsumakibones  EmptySat Apr 01, 2023 9:06 am

Angry wrote:
I guess many would have heard of him before this week as the enthusiastic Japanese argyle fan who has all the merch and a cutout face of Erin Black that he wears to hide his face when posting photos that get used on twitter and on that pre show has been getting some attention mainly from the bbc as he is travelling to london for the game. I believe he is being interviewed tomorrow.

i was at that game against everton only decent thing about it was Bjarni Gudjonsson's goal. Mind you didnt one of the worst striker's in the history of the cub chadshit score one of evertons goal that day which enough for the  club to buy him shortly afterwards.

Remember it very well an absolute screamer from about 100 yards, I remember being really impressed when we signed him for about two games. Tbf I always liked Chadders always gave it 110% but wasn't worth anything like the £250k we paid for him.
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Posts : 6258
Join date : 2011-05-16
Age : 64
Location : Tavistock area

tatsumakibones  Empty
PostSubject: Re: tatsumakibones    tatsumakibones  EmptyMon Apr 03, 2023 10:58 pm

Earwegoagain wrote:
Angry wrote:
I guess many would have heard of him before this week as the enthusiastic Japanese argyle fan who has all the merch and a cutout face of Erin Black that he wears to hide his face when posting photos that get used on twitter and on that pre show has been getting some attention mainly from the bbc as he is travelling to london for the game. I believe he is being interviewed tomorrow.

i was at that game against everton only decent thing about it was Bjarni Gudjonsson's goal. Mind you didnt one of the worst striker's in the history of the cub chadshit score one of evertons goal that day which enough for the  club to buy him shortly afterwards.

Remember it very well an absolute screamer from about 100 yards, I remember being really impressed when we signed him for about two games. Tbf I always liked Chadders always gave it 110% but wasn't worth anything like the £250k we paid for him.

Chadwick was nothing like one of the worst in Argyles history, not in the same subspecies as Earl Jean, Paddi Wilson,Mark Sale,Lee Power, Morris Scott etc-names to bring a cold sweat to anyone who was around at the time. Chadders did score some remarkable goals-injury time winner at Reading, winners at Sunderland and Palace,an 11 second goal against Palace down here and did an ok job as a virtual midfielder under Pulis as well as doing his bit to keep the club in the league when he came back. Definitely not one of the best either though.
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tatsumakibones  Empty
PostSubject: Re: tatsumakibones    tatsumakibones  Empty

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