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 Shake up to football viewing on Saturdays.

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Shake up to football viewing on Saturdays. Empty
PostSubject: Shake up to football viewing on Saturdays.   Shake up to football viewing on Saturdays. EmptyThu Mar 30, 2023 4:07 pm

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Interesting piece, DAZN is looking to bin the 3pm blackout for football and make every league game available to watch obviously for a fee. They are saying that the current rules have been in place for 60 years and are out of date. Maybe that will sort out the capacity issue once and for all? Argyle would be able to only sell seats to the Evergreen superfans and all us proles can just watch on the telly, would sort all the bad language and standing issues in one fell swoop as well. I've personally missed a few matches this season because the tickets in the "big" games getting snapped up by the likes of Fatty and Daz (who has paid the club £8k this season!) before the likes of me get a chance.
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Shake up to football viewing on Saturdays. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shake up to football viewing on Saturdays.   Shake up to football viewing on Saturdays. EmptyThu Mar 30, 2023 6:12 pm


it wont make a jot of difference attendance wise for clubs but it would nice for the ones unable to get to games for whatever reason to watch it live on a saturday and not have to stomach that awful match of the day woke bollox or whatever the one on quest is called now
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Shake up to football viewing on Saturdays.
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