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 Everything is broken. Shorly, we must be classed as a 3rd world shithole by now?

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3 posters
Dog Bone Malone

Dog Bone Malone

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Join date : 2020-04-28
Location : Bluesville, Jannerbama

Everything is broken. Shorly, we must be classed as a 3rd world shithole by now? Empty
PostSubject: Everything is broken. Shorly, we must be classed as a 3rd world shithole by now?   Everything is broken. Shorly, we must be classed as a 3rd world shithole by now? EmptyThu Dec 08, 2022 7:50 am

A totally inept, clueless, useless and corrupt government with the will to do feck all about anything - and an even worse opposition
Transport infrastructure crumbling
Criminality surging
Immigration out of control
Every cnut is offended by everything
Cost of shopping
Cost of fuel
Energy bills out of control whilst greedy utility companies rake in billions
NHS crumbling
Waiting times longest ever
Doctors and dentists impossible
Housing stock in crisis, in turn, vast swathes of greenery are being eroded for ever with cheap and nasty new builds.
Poverty surging to unprecedented levels
Highest ever number of foodbanks
Prisons running out of spaces
A woke, liberalised, rainbow face painted kneeling pathetic police force
Judicial system with years of backlogged cases
Every cnut on strike
Inflation out of control
Social decay everywhere

The list is literally endless.

What a time to be alive!

The earth is more than 4 billion years old. Humans have been here for a fraction of this time. Humanity will be but a blip on the geologic time scale. We will not be here for much longer, the earth will carry on for another few billion years without us. I can hear Mother Nature saying thank feck for that.

Pfft. I'm going to write a song, then I'm going to bed.  What a Face
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Age : 65
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Everything is broken. Shorly, we must be classed as a 3rd world shithole by now? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everything is broken. Shorly, we must be classed as a 3rd world shithole by now?   Everything is broken. Shorly, we must be classed as a 3rd world shithole by now? EmptyFri Dec 09, 2022 4:03 pm

And all because of Putin and covid, lol,l ol, lol

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Posts : 12371
Join date : 2017-09-09

Everything is broken. Shorly, we must be classed as a 3rd world shithole by now? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everything is broken. Shorly, we must be classed as a 3rd world shithole by now?   Everything is broken. Shorly, we must be classed as a 3rd world shithole by now? EmptyFri Dec 09, 2022 4:10 pm

Putin is running the UK via the Tory party, lol.
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Posts : 14993
Join date : 2011-05-10
Age : 65
Location : @home or on the piss

Everything is broken. Shorly, we must be classed as a 3rd world shithole by now? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everything is broken. Shorly, we must be classed as a 3rd world shithole by now?   Everything is broken. Shorly, we must be classed as a 3rd world shithole by now? EmptyFri Dec 09, 2022 6:20 pm

Thank fook you have seen the light.

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Everything is broken. Shorly, we must be classed as a 3rd world shithole by now? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Everything is broken. Shorly, we must be classed as a 3rd world shithole by now?   Everything is broken. Shorly, we must be classed as a 3rd world shithole by now? Empty

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Everything is broken. Shorly, we must be classed as a 3rd world shithole by now?
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