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 Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated

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Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated Empty
PostSubject: Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated   Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated EmptyWed Sep 14, 2022 12:52 pm

Chelsea Chairman, Todd Boehly, has suggested that a four-club relegation tournament be brought in to decide which sides get relegated from the Premiership.

He went on to say that the Premier League need to grasp ideas already in place within various sport around the USA. Another idea he spoke about was that of a North Vs South all star game - the reasoning behind the notion is that it would raise more finance according to Boehly.


Thoughts !!
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Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated   Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated EmptyWed Sep 14, 2022 1:03 pm

The Prem managers whine enough as it is because their little darlings may have to play more than once a week.
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Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated   Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated EmptyWed Sep 14, 2022 1:26 pm

He should just STFU!
He has been in the job 5 minutes, knows feck all about football in this country and we are not the US.

I'm one of the common people so says the wife!
(A true GSG Girl)

PepsiPete Forecasting League Champion 2016-17

He was behind me at Charlton!  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Now an officially semi retired old fart! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated   Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated EmptyWed Sep 14, 2022 7:11 pm

mouldyoldgoat wrote:
He should just STFU!
He has been in the job 5 minutes, knows feck all about football in this country and we are not the US.

Jurgen Klopp not too happy with it, he said - "When he finds a date for that he can call me. In American sports these players have four-month breaks''.

Klopp went on to add - "Does he want to bring the Harlem Globetrotters as well ?"


Ridiculous idea regarding a North Vs South fixture and I agree with Klopp on that one.

I am not too keen on the four-club relegation tournament either, pointless exercise. Just leave it as it is.

How far off is the revival of a two-tier system involving the Premiership and the EFL Championship I wonder. The EFL only get peanuts as it is now, a total cut off of funds would be disastrous.

Last edited by VillageGreen on Wed Sep 14, 2022 7:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated   Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated EmptyWed Sep 14, 2022 7:25 pm

VillageGreen wrote:
mouldyoldgoat wrote:
He should just STFU!
He has been in the job 5 minutes, knows feck all about football in this country and we are not the US.

Jurgen Klopp not too happy with it, he said - "When he finds a date for that he can call me. In American sports these players have four-month breaks''.

Klopp went on to add - "Does he want to bring the Harlem Globetrotters as well ?"


I am not too keen on the four-club relegation tournament, pointless exercise. Just leave it as it is.

I think most countries of the world are envious of our FL they should leave it well alone, it's people like these that have allowed the prem to be the circus that it is today, it kind of mirrors society I suppose we shouldn't be surprised.
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Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated   Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated EmptyWed Sep 14, 2022 9:00 pm

no thanks next he will be wanting bye weeks and playoffs to determine the champions next....

gurantee that super league idea will be brought up again in the future despite the backlash it caused last time.
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Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated   Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated Empty

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Chelsea chairman, Todd Boehly, has called for the Premiership to bring in a four-club tournament to decide which sides get relegated
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