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 Billy Bingham RIP

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Clodagh Rubbish

Posts : 351
Join date : 2020-05-28

Billy Bingham RIP Empty
PostSubject: Billy Bingham RIP   Billy Bingham RIP EmptyFri Jun 10, 2022 4:26 pm

In I thought he died years ago sad news that Billy Bingham has died after suffering with dementia for the last 16 years.

More famous for managing the Green of Northern Ireland, which he did on a part time basis during his time managing us, which sounds about the sort of thing we'd allow to happen and then in a more celebrated spell during the 80's when they qualified for 2 world cups in a row.

Arguable how much of that was down to him or the fact he had a once in a generation shit hot side featuring Pat Jennings, Norman Whiteside, Gerry Armstrong, Sammy McIllroy etc.

Anyone got any memories of his time here?
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Posts : 6261
Join date : 2011-05-16
Age : 64
Location : Tavistock area

Billy Bingham RIP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Billy Bingham RIP   Billy Bingham RIP EmptyFri Jun 10, 2022 7:11 pm

One of the first managers that i can really remember. Did quite well in his first couple of years after taking over a basket case from Ufton but i think he fell out with the board about the amount of time he was spending on the NI job and eventually parted company with Argyle, who were cash strapped anyway in all fairness. Remember sitting behind him in the stand at Reading for an FA cup match and listening to him curse, eff and blind for the entire 90 minutes Laughing .Went on to manage Everton [think he played for them as well as a winger]-they should have won the title in one of the seasons that he was in charge but collapsed in the last few matches of the season and his NI stint came after he was sacked at Goodison a year or two later, greatest achievement was obviously masterminding Everton's 3-1 win at HP in 1975. Vaguely remember he had a song at HP to the tune of Mrs Robinson-Here's to you Billy Bingham, Argyle gonna win division 3- but they didn't unfortunately.

RIP Billy
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