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 Argyle Wigan Highlights

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Posts : 7795
Join date : 2015-04-02
Location : Wormwood Scrubs awaiting the imminent arrival of Johnson..

Argyle Wigan Highlights Empty
PostSubject: Argyle Wigan Highlights   Argyle Wigan Highlights EmptySun Nov 28, 2021 5:28 am

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Pure gold that people are defending Mayor......I'm trying to work out if I can use 2 hands yet to count his goals way into his 3rd season here
Massive liability
What is going through Lowes head to reintroduce him to the team instead of Broom who took us to top of the league

As for Cooper well nothing more to be said. In fact I wont anymore because anyone with an ounce of sense knows full well I've been 100% right since the start of last season. Evidence weekly via Youtube. End of.

Lowe needs to get us back on track PDQ or we'll drop out of top 6 very quickly

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Join date : 2015-07-08

Argyle Wigan Highlights Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle Wigan Highlights   Argyle Wigan Highlights EmptySun Nov 28, 2021 8:24 am

harvetheslayer wrote:
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Pure gold that people are defending Mayor......I'm trying to work out if I can use 2 hands yet to count his goals way into his 3rd season here
Massive liability
What is going through Lowes head to reintroduce him to the team instead of Broom who took us to top of the league

As for Cooper well nothing more to be said. In fact I wont anymore because anyone with an ounce of sense knows full well I've been 100% right since the start of last season. Evidence weekly via Youtube. End of.

Lowe needs to get us back on track PDQ or we'll drop out of top 6 very quickly

wow absolutely shocking defending! For both goals …yet another massive rick by cooper it didn’t matter when we was on that winning run cos that covered his one mistake per game ..but now we’re not winning his mistakes are looking even worse starting to cost us more points than than his saving us
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Posts : 7795
Join date : 2015-04-02
Location : Wormwood Scrubs awaiting the imminent arrival of Johnson..

Argyle Wigan Highlights Empty
PostSubject: Re: Argyle Wigan Highlights   Argyle Wigan Highlights EmptyMon Nov 29, 2021 5:49 am

RegGreen wrote:
harvetheslayer wrote:
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Pure gold that people are defending Mayor......I'm trying to work out if I can use 2 hands yet to count his goals way into his 3rd season here
Massive liability
What is going through Lowes head to reintroduce him to the team instead of Broom who took us to top of the league

As for Cooper well nothing more to be said. In fact I wont anymore because anyone with an ounce of sense knows full well I've been 100% right since the start of last season. Evidence weekly via Youtube. End of.

Lowe needs to get us back on track PDQ or we'll drop out of top 6 very quickly

wow absolutely shocking defending! For both goals …yet another massive rick by cooper it didn’t matter when we was on that winning run cos that covered his one mistake per game ..but now we’re not winning his mistakes are looking even worse starting to cost us more points than than his saving us

Spot on Reg sadly
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PostSubject: Re: Argyle Wigan Highlights   Argyle Wigan Highlights Empty

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