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 Serious question over this raw sewage being dumped in our Rivers

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Serious question over this raw sewage being dumped in our Rivers - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious question over this raw sewage being dumped in our Rivers   Serious question over this raw sewage being dumped in our Rivers - Page 2 EmptyWed Oct 27, 2021 8:35 am

Earwegoagain wrote:
seadog wrote:
BrexshitJohnson is just the latest member of the Islington elite to be in charge of "regulating" the private monopolies, 71% Foreign Owned, by letting them steal our cash and invest feck all.

i realise now that we should take pride in how shite we are Damp, thank you for your input.

Which has been going on since 1989 when Thatcher started the rot and continued all the way through our glorious EU membership days, and fook all changed in Blairs or Browns days of course it's all down to Brexit and Johnson. It's as much your fault as any bodies despite where you put your cross in the referendum.

Thank you Captain Hindsight.
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Hugh Midde

Hugh Midde

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Serious question over this raw sewage being dumped in our Rivers - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious question over this raw sewage being dumped in our Rivers   Serious question over this raw sewage being dumped in our Rivers - Page 2 EmptyWed Oct 27, 2021 4:00 pm

seadog wrote:
... I realise now that we should take pride in how shite we are Damp, thank you for your input.

Seaman Staines thanks me (MR. Damp) for my input when I merely point out that enough of the brown objects - of which he has more than a passing resemblance, were bobbing about in our rivers in sufficient quantities as to alarm our former lords and masters in Brussels as far back as 2009. Once again I post the link that clearly shows this event happened when Brexit was still a mere pipe dream and the captain of our ship was Gordy Broon of the gold giveaway and pensions plunder.

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Captain Cameron first stepped on to the bridge in 2010, a full eight months after the brown stuff floated out to sea. Boris Johnson, as far as I can recall, never served in Cameron's cabinet, gaining his first cabinet post in Theresa May's cabinet in mid 2016 by which time some of the mess had hopefully found landfall after floating off in a due South direction.

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Serious question over this raw sewage being dumped in our Rivers - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious question over this raw sewage being dumped in our Rivers   Serious question over this raw sewage being dumped in our Rivers - Page 2 EmptyWed Oct 27, 2021 8:05 pm

The Captain takes the blame, apart from Italian ones, for the Brexshit that happens on his watch.

Is Doris in charge? I know he isn't really, Putin is, but nominally he is.

Have the tories been in charge of pilfering the public purse for 11 years?

Keirwegoagain is not and never will be in charge, blaming the opposition will not wash.

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Serious question over this raw sewage being dumped in our Rivers - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious question over this raw sewage being dumped in our Rivers   Serious question over this raw sewage being dumped in our Rivers - Page 2 EmptySat Oct 30, 2021 12:25 pm

I wish youd all give the Brexit a fooking rest. In the last ten years the water companies have paid out something like £247 bn in salaries and bonuses to their MD's. That's ten years that everybody spent bitching about the present Tory in charge whilst saying fook all about it and changing nothing.
I realise I have failed to change anything as well but at least I have joined SAS, lobbied Geoffery Cox(LoL) and joined numerous beach cleans and protests.
Stop your whining and do something at the very least check out Fergal Sharkey another champion for our rivers.
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Serious question over this raw sewage being dumped in our Rivers - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serious question over this raw sewage being dumped in our Rivers   Serious question over this raw sewage being dumped in our Rivers - Page 2 EmptySat Oct 30, 2021 2:49 pm

Nothing to see here, keep moving.

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