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 flexi tickets will go on sale from Wednesday, 14 July at 10am.

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flexi tickets will go on sale from Wednesday, 14 July at 10am. Empty
PostSubject: flexi tickets will go on sale from Wednesday, 14 July at 10am.   flexi tickets will go on sale from Wednesday, 14 July at 10am. EmptyFri Jul 09, 2021 12:38 pm

Our 21/22 Sky Bet League One flexi tickets will go on sale from Wednesday, 14 July at 10am.

Flexi tickets provide holders six individual match tickets to be used at home league games throughout the Greens’ upcoming campaign at a discount.

Subject to availability, flexi ticket holders can redeem these tickets in any combination. For example, one match ticket can be redeemed for six separate Sky Bet League One fixtures, or all six can be redeemed for one match – offering members of the Green Army flexibility to pick and choose which games they attend, and whether they bring friends or family with them.

Flexi tickets also entitle holders to Priority 2 status on ticketing for home, away and cup ticketing – second only to season ticket holders. This means that flexi ticket holders will receive the opportunity to purchase tickets before they go on general sale. Please note, however, during flexi ticket holders’ priority window for home league fixtures, they can only redeem one ticket, and must wait until general sale to redeem additional tickets for any one individual match. Similarly, for away fixtures, priority status entitles flexi ticket holders to purchase one ticket per flexi ticket owned.

In addition, flexi ticket holders benefit from no booking fee on redemption of their tickets, as well as a membership card.

A returning benefit for flexi ticket holders is that they can retain their priority ticketing status once their flexi ticket has been used up. In order to ensure this priority status remains, flexi ticket holders who have used their full allocation of six tickets should contact the Home Park Ticket Office, and a member of the team will update the status of your ticketing account.

Flexi ticket pricing:

Adult £130 £85
Over 65 £100 £68
Under 23 £70 £50
Under 18 £45 £25
Under 12 £25 £20

DE = Devonport End, LRS = Lyndhurst Road Stand, MGU = Mayflower Grandstand Upper, MGL = Mayflower Grandstand Lower

Flexi tickets will be available online through, in person at the Home Park Ticket Office, or by calling 01752 907700
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flexi tickets will go on sale from Wednesday, 14 July at 10am.
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