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 incoming number 3- Macaulay Gillesphey

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incoming number 3- Macaulay Gillesphey - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: incoming number 3- Macaulay Gillesphey   incoming number 3- Macaulay Gillesphey - Page 2 EmptySat Jun 19, 2021 11:46 am

Greenskin wrote:
harvetheslayer wrote:
Lowe needs to come good and hit the ground running this season
Its somewhat concerning that currently we seem to be going with the same midfield and attack that hardly covered themselves in glory last season
George Cooper could be viewed as new signing I guess.

The lack of an experienced keeper is concerning. We're going to see the exact same mistakes as last season. Problem for Lowe (again) is he set his stall out by saying Cooper is a great keeper and is now stuck with that diagnosis

Rickler screenshot that because the errors will come up throughout the season and sadly most know it

So, in other words, another season of fixated and mostly nonsensical blame attribution from your good self is on the way. Rolling Eyes

sadly looks like it. Surprise he wrote that much without quoting a stranger from facebook and blaming Boris.
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sufferedsince 68

sufferedsince 68

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incoming number 3- Macaulay Gillesphey - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: incoming number 3- Macaulay Gillesphey   incoming number 3- Macaulay Gillesphey - Page 2 EmptyMon Jun 21, 2021 7:14 pm

Making signings from Walsall and the australian outback all looks a bit cheap and desperate to me, with six thousand season tickets sold i thought we would get a decent budget obviously i was wrong.
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incoming number 3- Macaulay Gillesphey - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: incoming number 3- Macaulay Gillesphey   incoming number 3- Macaulay Gillesphey - Page 2 EmptyMon Jun 21, 2021 8:16 pm

Perhaps Lowe is saving money for a statement signing that'll make everyone sit up and take notice!

Or just more mediocrity from one of his previous clubs.
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incoming number 3- Macaulay Gillesphey - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: incoming number 3- Macaulay Gillesphey   incoming number 3- Macaulay Gillesphey - Page 2 EmptyMon Jun 21, 2021 9:18 pm

Greenskin wrote:
harvetheslayer wrote:
Lowe needs to come good and hit the ground running this season
Its somewhat concerning that currently we seem to be going with the same midfield and attack that hardly covered themselves in glory last season
George Cooper could be viewed as new signing I guess.

The lack of an experienced keeper is concerning. We're going to see the exact same mistakes as last season. Problem for Lowe (again) is he set his stall out by saying Cooper is a great keeper and is now stuck with that diagnosis

Rickler screenshot that because the errors will come up throughout the season and sadly most know it

So, in other words, another season of fixated and mostly nonsensical blame attribution from your good self is on the way. Rolling Eyes

Nothing changes.

Freathers will be forecasting 46 defeats, Harve will continue to prove that he knows nothing about football by blaming Cooper for everything, and Grovey will be complaining about everything Scouse and why don't all the players, manager, staff and tea person live within the sound of Peverell Methodist Church bells, just to prove commitment to the club.

ATD just wouldn't be the same without them. Rolling Eyes

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Age : 66

incoming number 3- Macaulay Gillesphey - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: incoming number 3- Macaulay Gillesphey   incoming number 3- Macaulay Gillesphey - Page 2 EmptyTue Jun 22, 2021 8:14 am

PlymptonPilgrim wrote:
Greenskin wrote:
harvetheslayer wrote:
Lowe needs to come good and hit the ground running this season
Its somewhat concerning that currently we seem to be going with the same midfield and attack that hardly covered themselves in glory last season
George Cooper could be viewed as new signing I guess.

The lack of an experienced keeper is concerning. We're going to see the exact same mistakes as last season. Problem for Lowe (again) is he set his stall out by saying Cooper is a great keeper and is now stuck with that diagnosis

Rickler screenshot that because the errors will come up throughout the season and sadly most know it

So, in other words, another season of fixated and mostly nonsensical blame attribution from your good self is on the way. Rolling Eyes

Nothing changes.

Freathers will be forecasting 46 defeats, Harve will continue to prove that he knows nothing about football by blaming Cooper for everything, and Grovey will be complaining about everything Scouse and why don't all the players, manager, staff and tea person live within the sound of Peverell Methodist Church bells, just to prove commitment to the club.

ATD just wouldn't be the same without them.  Rolling Eyes

lol! lol! lol! lol!
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incoming number 3- Macaulay Gillesphey - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: incoming number 3- Macaulay Gillesphey   incoming number 3- Macaulay Gillesphey - Page 2 Empty

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