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 Home Park's Future

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Home Park's Future Empty
PostSubject: Home Park's Future   Home Park's Future EmptySun Jun 13, 2021 4:57 pm

from link wrote:

Home Park has had its historic status as the stadium of Plymouth Argyle protected.

It is to remain registered as an Asset of Community Value for another five years - guarding against the club being kicked out by any future owner.

Home Park, the home of Argyle since 1901, has seen millions of pounds of investment in stadium facilities over the last five years.

Argyle owner Simon Hallett and his wife Jane have been behind much of the improvements, including the refurbishment of the new 5,400-seat Mayflower grandstand with its new conference and hospitality facilities.

The community asset status, put forward by the Argyle Fans’ Trust and approved by Plymouth City Council, was first achieved in 2016.

The stadium has provided crucial support to the community outside of football by providing a venue for thousands of Covid vaccinations.

The protected status covers the football stadium at Home Park, including the ticket office, club offices, car park and hospitality accommodation at Higher Home Park.

Deputy leader Councillor Patrick Nicholson said: “Plymouth Argyle plays such a big role in the city and over the last year or so we have been blown away by the incredible work the club has done with the public and with the NHS through the pandemic.

“There is a huge sense of community pride in this club and the fans’ trust put in a really strong application which was a great reminder of the scale of what the club do on and off the pitch. We were more than happy to see the application renewed.”

Being on the list means that should the owner intend to sell the site he must notify the council.

A community interest group, such as the fans' trust, then has six weeks to ask to be treated as a potential bidder.

If it does, the sale cannot take place for six months. Known as the moratorium, this period allows the group to come up with an alternative proposal – although at the end of this period it is up to the owner whether a sale goes though, to whom and for how much.

The fans' trust, putting in their bid, said Home Park was the only realistic home for Plymouth Argyle FC.

It said the stadium was crucial in enabling the club to deliver social value and community benefit through sporting and social activities in which the club needs a suitable home to host its matches.

The club works hard to foster such campaigns such as 'Kick it Out', an equality and inclusion campaign for football and beyond, and engages fans in many charitable events including the club's Armed Services Day.

The Localism Act requires local councils to maintain a list of Assets of Community Value which have been nominated by the local community.
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Home Park's Future Empty
PostSubject: Re: Home Park's Future   Home Park's Future EmptySun Jun 13, 2021 6:05 pm

Nool was against it, can't remember why?
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Home Park's Future Empty
PostSubject: Re: Home Park's Future   Home Park's Future EmptyMon Jun 14, 2021 2:13 am

Not worth the paper it's printed on - as evidenced when Simon Hallett took control.

Nothing that was supposed to happen, took place at all.  Well, Maybe Brent told the council - who knows?
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Home Park's Future Empty
PostSubject: Re: Home Park's Future   Home Park's Future EmptyMon Jun 14, 2021 5:38 pm

It's only to protect the ground as a football venue
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Home Park's Future Empty
PostSubject: Re: Home Park's Future   Home Park's Future EmptyMon Jun 14, 2021 6:01 pm

Grovehill wrote:
It's only to protect the ground as a football venue

and a fat load of good it does, is what I am saying...
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PostSubject: Re: Home Park's Future   Home Park's Future Empty

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