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 Those were the days 50 years ago.......

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Those were the days 50 years ago....... Empty
PostSubject: Those were the days 50 years ago.......   Those were the days 50 years ago....... EmptyTue Apr 13, 2021 8:59 pm

when Argyle could finish.......16th in the third division! lol! Nothing ever changes really but at least we could beat the league leaders on their own dungheap.

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Some interesting players on view,a lot of local ones such as Piper,Reynolds,Sullivan and Rickard. Keith Allen was playing for Luton,he came down here for a couple of years,good cricketer for Plymstock.Old Supermac himself was playing,scored 5 goals in a match for England and prolific at first division level. Different in a lot of ways,far fewer players in the penalty areas for corners,only one sub allowed,hardly any warm up before the match and the pitch of course.Some good stuff played though,especially that Davey through ball for the first goal.

Pretty good site for Argyle nostalgists,lots of reminders of better times.

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Those were the days 50 years ago....... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Those were the days 50 years ago.......   Those were the days 50 years ago....... EmptyWed Apr 14, 2021 4:29 am

Yes I noticed those Argyle Memories kept on coming up on smart tv when scrolling suggestions
Have watched a lot of the games and clips they put up.... another appearance I think it was the Big Match and I think same season 1970 away to Fulham but that ones in colour
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Those were the days 50 years ago....... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Those were the days 50 years ago.......   Those were the days 50 years ago....... EmptyWed Apr 14, 2021 8:25 am

Thanks for the link Greenskin, will look forward to watching it. Those were the days when players actually engaged in physical contact rather than getting a tap on the ankles these days and the overpaid footballing mercenaries are rolling around the floor holding their face. Lol.
I'm actually old enough to remember Mike Bickle playing at H.P! Typical 69-70 pitch with more sand than grass.
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Age : 66

Those were the days 50 years ago....... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Those were the days 50 years ago.......   Those were the days 50 years ago....... EmptyWed Apr 14, 2021 8:31 am

Great kit!
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Join date : 2011-05-12

Those were the days 50 years ago....... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Those were the days 50 years ago.......   Those were the days 50 years ago....... EmptyWed Apr 14, 2021 8:53 am

Great clip. We played some great football that day. Movement and passing particularly for Rickard's goal was good. Luton defended at times like we do now. Kenilworth Road hasn't changed much.
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Join date : 2012-01-12
Age : 68
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Those were the days 50 years ago....... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Those were the days 50 years ago.......   Those were the days 50 years ago....... EmptyWed Apr 14, 2021 11:00 am

shonbo wrote:
Great kit!
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Those were the days 50 years ago....... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Those were the days 50 years ago.......   Those were the days 50 years ago....... EmptyWed Apr 14, 2021 2:30 pm

The first team that I can really remember, I was eight at the time.
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Those were the days 50 years ago.......
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