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 Semper Fi Lyrics

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Semper Fi Lyrics Empty
PostSubject: Semper Fi Lyrics   Semper Fi Lyrics EmptySat Feb 13, 2021 11:05 pm

Semper fidelis” is a fabulous Latin motto
meaning that in centuries of Roman might the soldier swore that he would fight
For Caesar, never questioning if he might return
or if the enemy when they attack could be driven aback — and that’s what it means.
“We’re ever faithful” is the general gist in countries that are Christian
Though it means almost the same we pledge no longer to the name
Of Caesar, but to principles of the land we know and love,
Bestowing the motto in war on our readiest corps — the mighty Marines.
Men are dutiful to things contradictory —
loving all that is beautiful — knowing battle and victory.
They expect our expressions benedictory,
and they find it perplexing and vexing and odd when we are shocked.
They’ve forgotten the old established verities,
seeking only for fame and gold, seeing only disparities.
Those who worship the one true God are rarities
who remember the Biblical saying that God will not be mocked!
When the call to the true believer comes from the Church of God
Will they all in their heart receive Him go where He bids them trod?
Will the men who appear deserving, who to their faith are true,
answer when they are called to serving, do what she bids them do?
For many men profess their loyalty to true democracy yet bow to mockery
and bend the knee to aristocracy, for to live their creed their need is small.
And may men proclaim their worthiness, display their lowliness, disclaim their earthiness.
Oh give us strength to seek true holiness, and in word and deed to heed the call!
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