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 RIP Sir Sean Connery

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Dog Bone Malone

Dog Bone Malone

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RIP Sir Sean Connery Empty
PostSubject: RIP Sir Sean Connery   RIP Sir Sean Connery EmptySat Oct 31, 2020 12:41 pm

Another great, and imho the one and only James Bond, dies aged 90. Crying or Very sad

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RIP Sir Sean Connery Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Sir Sean Connery   RIP Sir Sean Connery EmptySat Oct 31, 2020 1:21 pm

Very sad. He was the best Bond for me.

Bad week this week what with Bobby Ball and JJ Williams leaving us as well.

RIP Connery, Ball and Williams we will miss you all.

I'm one of the common people so says the wife!
(A true GSG Girl)

PepsiPete Forecasting League Champion 2016-17

He was behind me at Charlton!  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Now an officially semi retired old fart! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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RIP Sir Sean Connery Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Sir Sean Connery   RIP Sir Sean Connery EmptySat Oct 31, 2020 8:39 pm

Best Bond by far RIP Sean
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RIP Sir Sean Connery Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Sir Sean Connery   RIP Sir Sean Connery EmptySat Oct 31, 2020 8:45 pm

I think Daniel Craig comes a close second.

I'm one of the common people so says the wife!
(A true GSG Girl)

PepsiPete Forecasting League Champion 2016-17

He was behind me at Charlton!  [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Now an officially semi retired old fart! [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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RIP Sir Sean Connery Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Sir Sean Connery   RIP Sir Sean Connery EmptySat Oct 31, 2020 8:57 pm

mouldyoldgoat wrote:
I think Daniel Craig comes a close second.

I was watching him in heartbeat the other day, he’s certainly come on a bit since then
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RIP Sir Sean Connery Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Sir Sean Connery   RIP Sir Sean Connery EmptyMon Nov 02, 2020 8:17 pm

That pic above is Sean Connery holding an air pistol. They wanted a promotional photo of him holding a gun like a Walther PPK (I think for Dr. No) but realized they didn't have anything at the photo shoot so someone sourced an air pistol at short notice so that's what they used.
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Join date : 2017-09-09

RIP Sir Sean Connery Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Sir Sean Connery   RIP Sir Sean Connery EmptyTue Nov 03, 2020 7:59 am

Very Happy James Bond 177.
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Dog Bone Malone

Dog Bone Malone

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Join date : 2020-04-28
Location : Bluesville, Jannerbama

RIP Sir Sean Connery Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Sir Sean Connery   RIP Sir Sean Connery EmptyTue Nov 03, 2020 12:45 pm

Freathy wrote:
That pic above is Sean Connery holding an air pistol.  They wanted a promotional photo of him holding a gun like a Walther PPK (I think for Dr. No) but realized they didn't have anything at the photo shoot so someone sourced an air pistol at short notice so that's what they used.

FFS. Don't tell me...............Tory austerity? Laughing
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RIP Sir Sean Connery Empty
PostSubject: Re: RIP Sir Sean Connery   RIP Sir Sean Connery Empty

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RIP Sir Sean Connery
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