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 Swaz kits / Plymouth Parkway

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Swaz kits / Plymouth Parkway Empty
PostSubject: Swaz kits / Plymouth Parkway   Swaz kits / Plymouth Parkway EmptyThu Aug 13, 2020 8:21 pm

Just noticed that Parkway have some sort of parntership with a company called 'Swaz' that produces football kits and other merchandise.

It struck me that despite the likely very low volumes of people wanting to buy this kit, the prices are much lower than the stuff Argyle flog. Also some of the non-kit clothes has a colour selection option. I suppose they are also based on standard templates that Swaz just adjust for each club. Wonder whether it would be worth Argyle trying something like this, rather than getting all their merchandise from a large company that probably takes a massive cut of the profits.
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Swaz kits / Plymouth Parkway Empty
PostSubject: Re: Swaz kits / Plymouth Parkway   Swaz kits / Plymouth Parkway EmptyThu Aug 13, 2020 9:44 pm

no thanks

im all for going to a new kit maker as soon as the Puma deal is up but not to a small company like swaz as they simply wouldn't cope with the volume argyle would require them to produce merchandise and kits that they need to sell at a high enough quality or have any experience like that.

a club like parkway its perfect.
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Swaz kits / Plymouth Parkway
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