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 Nick Leeson and Barings Bank...

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Nick Leeson and Barings Bank... Empty
PostSubject: Nick Leeson and Barings Bank...   Nick Leeson and Barings Bank... EmptyThu Aug 06, 2020 9:01 am

Quite astonishing Video I had never seen before filmed whilst he was awaiting trial in Singapore
Tells a different story to the book. Absolutely riveting albeit Leeson had no right of reply after production

Barings has to take huge responsibility for the catastrophic ending. As Leeson says on the film I was asking for £300 Million in margin payments to cover only a £30 million position in the first place ! Why the hell were alarm bells at Barings not screaming

To put that into perspective its like asking for £5,000 loan from the Halifax but getting credited with £5 million......and nobody noticing when audits are done

He is now trading again out of interest as of February this year

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Nick Leeson and Barings Bank... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nick Leeson and Barings Bank...   Nick Leeson and Barings Bank... EmptyThu Aug 06, 2020 10:08 am

I used to work on the big estates in the South a lot, one of said estates is around Alton in Hampshire 5000 acres plus including loads of property in Alton, a few villages, miles of the River Test and countless cottages that had all the farm workers moved out of into new timber framed sites and were rented to yuppies for £50k p/a. I worked there a few years after the Baring bank scandal and was surprised to learn its was owned by the Baring family. Funnily enough losing the bank didn't seem to cause them any problems I always wondered why all that land and property weren't confiscated like they would if it were my house?
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Location : Wormwood Scrubs awaiting the imminent arrival of Johnson..

Nick Leeson and Barings Bank... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nick Leeson and Barings Bank...   Nick Leeson and Barings Bank... EmptySat Sep 19, 2020 11:36 am

Leesons doing what I thought he might. Live copy trading but the bar is set quite high at a 200 Euro a month fee

Bit rich for me but am guessing he's making hay whilst the sun shines....he's still at only 33,000 followers on twitter which I find surprising

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