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 Ban football chat in the workplace.

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Ban football chat in the workplace. Empty
PostSubject: Ban football chat in the workplace.   Ban football chat in the workplace. EmptyMon Jan 27, 2020 2:00 pm

Chat about football or cricket in the workplace should be curtailed, a management body has warned.
Chartered Management Institute head Ann Francke said sports banter can exclude women and lead to laddish behaviour such as chat about sexual conquests.
"A lot of women, in particular, feel left out," she told the BBC's Today programme.

These feckin snowflakes will lead to a backlash and a resurgence of proper old fashioned mysogony. Why shouldnt blokes talk about football, in fact there are some women that I talk to about football. Would women talking about strictly or love island be viewed in the same way? As an over fifty non transitioning white male I'm unemployable now anyway thank fook.
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Ban football chat in the workplace. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ban football chat in the workplace.   Ban football chat in the workplace. EmptyMon Jan 27, 2020 2:13 pm

As an over 60 CIS White I don't work with any women, football is discussed daily.

Anonymity, lol you soft cocked cnut.
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Ban football chat in the workplace. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ban football chat in the workplace.   Ban football chat in the workplace. EmptyMon Jan 27, 2020 2:22 pm

why do these idiots get oxygen to breathe these silly woke ideas!!!! in that case i call for all talk about non work related matters to be banned also
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Ban football chat in the workplace. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ban football chat in the workplace.   Ban football chat in the workplace. EmptyMon Jan 27, 2020 5:30 pm

It's wierd because the media industry is like an alternative dimension to the one most of us live in, being based in major cities they are surrounded by diversity on all levels and think that if we aren't following their lead on diversity and the latest high level feminist dogma we are somehow different from them and we all need educating.
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Ban football chat in the workplace. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ban football chat in the workplace.   Ban football chat in the workplace. EmptyTue Jan 28, 2020 2:02 pm

I'm yet to see or hear anyone (apart from the CIM muppet) think it's a good idea.

Relax guys - no-one is going to stop you droning on about VAR while the rest of the room tries to quietly kill themselves.
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Ban football chat in the workplace. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ban football chat in the workplace.   Ban football chat in the workplace. EmptyTue Jan 28, 2020 4:08 pm

The bit that really cracked me up was that talking footy is more likely to make us relate sexual conquests. Firstly I have never used the term "conquest" regarding the farer sex and also my stories would start something like, "1986 was a fine year...."
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Ban football chat in the workplace. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ban football chat in the workplace.   Ban football chat in the workplace. EmptyTue Jan 28, 2020 5:14 pm

She went on to make a good point that sometimes people regularly dominate group conversations, talking about something that half the group can't relate to, and that managers should watch out for that because it doesn't make a for a good work atmosphere.

Fair enough - but we've all known a mouthy female co-worker who won't shut up her bleddy dog or something, so it's got less to do with sports or gender, and more to do with being a gobby egomaniac.
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Ban football chat in the workplace. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ban football chat in the workplace.   Ban football chat in the workplace. EmptyTue Jan 28, 2020 5:31 pm

I'm all for this. I'm fed up with people talking to me who get football wrong.
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Ban football chat in the workplace. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ban football chat in the workplace.   Ban football chat in the workplace. EmptyTue Jan 28, 2020 6:15 pm

It's all a bit 1984 innit? Wtf has it got to do with mangers how conversations are "steered" in the workplace?
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Ban football chat in the workplace. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ban football chat in the workplace.   Ban football chat in the workplace. EmptyThu Jan 30, 2020 3:50 am

Welcome to the insane woke hysteria currently doing rounds by well-to-do, lefty, race-baiting virtue signalling f*ckwits.

Apparently, quoting Shakespeare is also now a sackable offence.
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Ban football chat in the workplace. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ban football chat in the workplace.   Ban football chat in the workplace. Empty

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