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 A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born )

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A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born ) Empty
PostSubject: A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born )   A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born ) EmptyTue Jan 14, 2020 9:02 am

I just received a survey, funded by PCC and NHS trust Plymouth. The help I need is on question 1.

1, describe Plymouth in ONE word.

They left a space for about sixty letters.
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A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born )   A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born ) EmptyTue Jan 14, 2020 9:36 am

backwardlocalsstuckinthe1970swhoopposeanyhtingdeemedasprogress. There. 60 letters exactly. Laughing

Last edited by P.O.I on Tue Jan 14, 2020 6:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born )   A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born ) EmptyTue Jan 14, 2020 11:45 am

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Les Miserable

Les Miserable

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A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born )   A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born ) EmptyTue Jan 14, 2020 11:50 am

PatDunne wrote:

You're not a Janner.
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A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born )   A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born ) EmptyTue Jan 14, 2020 5:29 pm

Cashless. (But not in the way Si thinks it is).
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A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born )   A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born ) EmptyTue Jan 14, 2020 8:16 pm

a city rich in history and vast potential, yet so far behind other major cities due to shit management and lack of investments by the council and businesses over the last 60 years.

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sufferedsince 68

sufferedsince 68

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A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born ) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born )   A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born ) EmptyWed Jan 15, 2020 4:38 pm

Tgwu wrote:
I just received a survey, funded by PCC and NHS trust Plymouth. The help I need is on question 1.

1, describe Plymouth in ONE word.

They left a space for about sixty letters.
lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! lol! wot u got against us Illogan Janners? pig
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PostSubject: Re: A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born )   A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born ) Empty

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A question for a real Janner (not Illogan born )
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