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 Extreme capitalism.

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Extreme capitalism. Empty
PostSubject: Extreme capitalism.   Extreme capitalism. EmptyWed Nov 27, 2019 10:39 am

Well this is music to my ears and completely in line with the views I have developed over the last half century,

"The UK has one of the most extreme forms of capitalism in the world and we urgently need to rethink the role of business in society. That's according to Prof Colin Mayer, author of a new report on the future of the corporation for the British Academy.
Prof Mayer says that global crises such as the environment and growing inequality are forcing a reassessment of what business is for.
"The corporation has failed to deliver benefit beyond shareholders, to its stakeholders and its wider community," he said.
"At the moment, how we conceptualise business is, it's there to make money. But instead, we should think about it as an incredibly powerful tool for solving our problems in the world."
He said the ownership structure of companies had made the UK one of the worst examples of responsible capitalism.
"The UK has a particularly extreme form of capitalism and ownership," he said.
"Most ownership in the UK is in the hands of a large number of institutional investors, none of which have a significant controlling shareholding in our largest companies. That is quite unlike virtually any other country in the world, including the United States."
This heavily dispersed form of ownership means none of the owners is providing a genuinely long-term perspective on how to achieve goals while also making money."
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Extreme capitalism. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Extreme capitalism.   Extreme capitalism. EmptyWed Nov 27, 2019 5:12 pm

...and the solution is? Does he mention that at all?
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Extreme capitalism. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Extreme capitalism.   Extreme capitalism. EmptyWed Nov 27, 2019 5:52 pm

Piece of piss that is Ricks you legislate against it, maybe take some money off them in tax? It's not just Marxists and communists like myself and the good professor who are concerned about the Uks modus operandi. The CBI, the IMF and even the bank of England have warned for years about how UK companies are seriously undercapitalised after years of increasing dividends from an average of ten per cent to in some cases eighty per cent. Added to that that we have one of the strongest economies in the world yet the health service is close to collapse, literally no one can get their teeth seen to, working people are having to use food banks yet since 2008 the aristocracy have increased their levels of wealth to levels not seen since the industrial revolution. The population is seen as nothing more than cash cows and guess what? They really couldn't give a fook about their employer or business and who could blame them?
Still it always be worse, I should move to Russia/China ect, ect.
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Extreme capitalism. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Extreme capitalism.   Extreme capitalism. EmptyWed Nov 27, 2019 6:29 pm

How did I guess that the solution would be to tax them? Social engineering at its finest.

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Extreme capitalism. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Extreme capitalism.   Extreme capitalism. EmptyWed Nov 27, 2019 7:32 pm

That's the start. I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want a solution to the problem? I'm more or less out of the rat race but my kids aren't and this uncaring Britain we live in is not something I can fill myself with any kind of joy over. Since you've been in the good old US of A the American dream has died in Blighty. I don't blame you for not caring most people I know don't care either doesn't make it right or worth being dismissive over.
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