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 Social Meeja

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Social Meeja Empty
PostSubject: Social Meeja   Social Meeja EmptyWed Sep 18, 2019 8:42 pm

Love it or hate it - there seems to be no hiding place for fuckwittery, deceit, cover ups and old-boy networks hush hush that would have never been challenged, or even known about in years gone by.

MP's, captains of industry, Sly news, The British Bias Corporation, celebrities etc etc - all under the scrutiny, and forever being called out, shown up and totally destroyed out on social meeja for the corrupt, lying, self-serving, pocket lining, bull-shitting shysters they are. It's a beautiful thing.
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Posts : 7795
Join date : 2015-04-02
Location : Wormwood Scrubs awaiting the imminent arrival of Johnson..

Social Meeja Empty
PostSubject: Re: Social Meeja   Social Meeja EmptyThu Sep 19, 2019 5:24 am

P.O.I wrote:
Love it or hate it - there seems to be no hiding place for fuckwittery, deceit, cover ups and old-boy networks hush hush that would have never been challenged, or even known about in years gone by.

You want to observe the level of what is share price manipulation using London South East boards and Twitter. The amount of pump and dump groups (and short sellers) working virtually every stock is savage. You simply have no option but to find and join them for each share you own or you're right out in the cold. Days are long gone where a stock rises and falls purely on performance
The maximum sentence is 7 years and simply 99% are guilty to a minor, lesser or higher degree
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