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 The End of May

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The End of May Empty
PostSubject: The End of May   The End of May EmptyFri May 24, 2019 12:20 pm

After limping on for over 2 years Theresa May has finally been told she can either leave with some amount of dignity or be ejected.

Her speech announcing this tried to sketch out her legacy, but the truth is she leaves no legacy.

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She was supposed to deliver Brexit and she hasn't done that, in no small part because of her self imposed red lines in particular on Freedom of Movement and leaving the customs union whilst maintaining an open border with Ireland. There is no getting around this, she wanted the hardest form of Brexit possible, way beyond what was mooted in 2016 yet she wasn't going to be the PM that surrendered the Union.

Shes done nothing about the burning injustices, in fact she's made them worse with her callous treatment of Windrush.

People are still dying as a result of austerity measures

And the deficit (anyone remember that being a thing?) has not come down, Cameron and Osborne were supposed to have eliminated it completely by 2015, National Debt is still rising (The Tories have borrowed more new money since 2010 than every Labour Government combined)

Ok she was dealt a shit hand but by God she played it badly.

THe worse thing is that whoever comes in next will probably be equally as dire and will soon learn that the problems this country face will not be solved with more belligerence.

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The End of May Empty
PostSubject: Re: The End of May   The End of May EmptyFri May 24, 2019 1:47 pm

To be fair to May, which I find quite hard to do but I think there are many similarities between Adams carrying the can for all Argyles shite governance over many years and the position May finds herself in. The Commons are a feckin joke populated by self serving yes men. I was really hopeful that politically things would change when "our generation" came to power yet we have an identical set of clones from the same unis and colleges, the same closed minds. It's quite depressing really.
Anyway Bojo to the fore, your country needs you.
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The End of May Empty
PostSubject: Re: The End of May   The End of May EmptyFri May 24, 2019 2:19 pm

Bojo is from precisely the same Uni and College as all the rest of the people you have a problem.

Highlights of his career Getting British national banged up in Iran, telling business to feck off, reciting a colonial poem in a buddhist temple, getting sacked for lying on more than one occasion, insulting muslim women, threatening to have a journislt beaten up, spending £50 million on a bridge that didn't get built, spending £300,000 on water cannons that couldn't be used which were then sold for scrap, "picannies with water melon smiles", insulting enitre cities....

If this shithouse of a moral vacuum is what the country needs then bring back May. At least she's a grown up.
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The End of May Empty
PostSubject: Re: The End of May   The End of May EmptyFri May 24, 2019 3:21 pm

The economy is much bigger now than it used to be. Once you look at all these figures compared to the size of the UK economy, the picture is different, borrowing peaked at about 10% of the size of the economy (GDP) in 2009/10, and it’s now down to about 3.5%. That’s a relatively large deficit, but not off the scale historically.

The Labour governments of Harold Wilson and James Callaghan ran deficits of around 5% of GDP back in the 1970s, for example. The post-war Labour government in 1945 borrowed 15% of GDP in its first year.

Just think what Corbyns plan to borrow 500 billion would do.
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The End of May Empty
PostSubject: Re: The End of May   The End of May EmptyFri May 24, 2019 3:28 pm

Boris for PM you must be joking.....don't forget the £millions he spent on developing the most expensive London Bus....the man is a continual accident just waiting to happen....and he still comes up smiling....people/idiots seem to have short memories.
Can still see him swinging from that harness at the Olympic Park....looking just like an Aunt Sally waiting to be hit with a big wet sponge.....please save us from such idiots.
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The End of May Empty
PostSubject: Re: The End of May   The End of May EmptyFri May 24, 2019 4:07 pm

PatDunne wrote:
The economy is much bigger now than it used to be. Once you look at all these figures compared to the size of the UK economy, the picture is different, borrowing peaked at about 10% of the size of the economy (GDP) in 2009/10, and it’s now down to about 3.5%. That’s a relatively large deficit, but not off the scale historically.

The Labour governments of Harold Wilson and James Callaghan ran deficits of around 5% of GDP back in the 1970s, for example. The post-war Labour government in 1945 borrowed 15% of GDP in its first year.

Just think what Corbyns plan to borrow 500 billion would do.

Its a shame they didn't choose to measure the deficit in GDP % terms back in 2010 then wasn't it.
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The End of May Empty
PostSubject: Re: The End of May   The End of May EmptyFri May 24, 2019 5:26 pm

I like him.
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The End of May Empty
PostSubject: Re: The End of May   The End of May EmptyFri May 24, 2019 7:17 pm

All joking aside tho who would you really like to see in power? If not Bojo then, Rudd, Hunt, Gove, Leadsom? You literally do just have to laugh about it now or you'd go mad.
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The End of May Empty
PostSubject: Re: The End of May   The End of May EmptyFri May 24, 2019 8:26 pm

Earwegoagain wrote:
All joking aside tho who would you really like to see in power? If not Bojo then, Rudd, Hunt, Gove, Leadsom? You literally do just have to laugh about it now or you'd go mad.

Rory Stewart appears to be the least weird. He’s got no chance
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Posts : 12371
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The End of May Empty
PostSubject: Re: The End of May   The End of May EmptyFri May 24, 2019 8:31 pm

They are all Tories with the grey men pushing the buttons.
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