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 Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad

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Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad Empty
PostSubject: Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad   Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad EmptyThu Mar 28, 2019 11:16 am

Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad 6610
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Location : Wormwood Scrubs awaiting the imminent arrival of Johnson..

Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad   Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad EmptyThu Mar 28, 2019 11:17 am

I got 8 but struggling on the other 4....
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Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad   Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad EmptyThu Mar 28, 2019 2:38 pm

I recognise
Norman Hunter
Jack Charlton
Bobby Charlton
Gordon Banks
Geoff Hurst
Peter Bonetti
George Cohen
Roger Hunt
Ian Callaghan

Is that Nobby Stiles in the back row with blue cap ?

I’m buggered after that
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Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad   Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad EmptyThu Mar 28, 2019 2:39 pm

I recognise
Norman Hunter
Jack Charlton
Bobby Charlton
Gordon Banks
Geoff Hurst
Peter Bonetti
George Cohen
Roger Hunt
Ian Callaghan

Is that Nobby Stiles in the back row with blue cap ?

I’m buggered after that
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Rollo Tomasi

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Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad   Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad EmptyThu Mar 28, 2019 3:35 pm

I think it’s front row,
Bobby Charlton, Roger Hunt, Ian Callaghan, Peter Bonetti, Jimmy Armfield.
Second row,
Geoff Hurst, George Eastham, Gordon Banks.
Back row,
Peter Eustace, Nobby Stiles, Norman Hunter, Jack Charlton.

Eustace and Eastham are the tricky ones I’d imagine.
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Location : Wormwood Scrubs awaiting the imminent arrival of Johnson..

Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad   Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad EmptyThu Mar 28, 2019 5:19 pm

I reproduced the photo from 60s and 70s football page off FB but have saved it. Will go back to it on FB tomorrow see how others had answered and put it up here
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Location : Wormwood Scrubs awaiting the imminent arrival of Johnson..

Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad   Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad EmptyFri Mar 29, 2019 9:50 am

Hopefully if you have FB the link is there. If it only takes you to the main group it was a thread started by Duncan Fox 23 hours ago

Apparently Ron Flowers was one that went unnamed here in pale blue ??
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Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad   Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad EmptyFri Mar 29, 2019 10:16 am

Compo and Cleggy?
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Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad   Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad Empty

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Can you name them from the 1966 World Cup Squad
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