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 Couldn't ever see Adam's or even Hallett doing this.

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Bob Crow

Posts : 1331
Join date : 2018-05-12
Location : Giving Lee Jameson's private detective the slip and runaround

Couldn't ever see Adam's or even Hallett doing this. Empty
PostSubject: Couldn't ever see Adam's or even Hallett doing this.   Couldn't ever see Adam's or even Hallett doing this. EmptySat Jan 19, 2019 11:21 am

As per title, yes I know Nikkkkkkkkkk did on some occasions (allegedly with someone else's money) but that isn't the point here.

Couldn't ever see Adam's or even Hallett doing this. Screen17
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Big Robby

Posts : 310
Join date : 2018-05-16

Couldn't ever see Adam's or even Hallett doing this. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Couldn't ever see Adam's or even Hallett doing this.   Couldn't ever see Adam's or even Hallett doing this. EmptySat Jan 19, 2019 11:25 am

Nice gesture from the Scottish manager who has just been told he will still have a job even if they get relegated this season.

I wonder if Derek Adams will pay for my flights to Newcastle for the Sunderland game lol!
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Bob Crow

Posts : 1331
Join date : 2018-05-12
Location : Giving Lee Jameson's private detective the slip and runaround

Couldn't ever see Adam's or even Hallett doing this. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Couldn't ever see Adam's or even Hallett doing this.   Couldn't ever see Adam's or even Hallett doing this. EmptySat Jan 19, 2019 11:45 am

Big Robby wrote:
Nice gesture from the Scottish manager who has just been told he will still have a job even if they get relegated this season.

I wonder if Derek Adams will pay for my flights to Newcastle for the Sunderland game lol!

A Scottish manager who will still have a job next season, even after relegation. Sound familiar sarcasm
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Couldn't ever see Adam's or even Hallett doing this. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Couldn't ever see Adam's or even Hallett doing this.   Couldn't ever see Adam's or even Hallett doing this. Empty

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Couldn't ever see Adam's or even Hallett doing this.
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