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 Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS?

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Big Robby
Sir Francis Drake
6 posters

Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? Empty
PostSubject: Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS?   Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? EmptySun Jun 17, 2018 1:20 pm

Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS?

Under plans to spend an extra £20bn a year on the service, taxpayers will be asked to contribute more - do you support the move?

Personally, after 4 years without a pay rise and then finally getting one this year, I'd say no. Feck off.

Why don't they suspend foreign aid for a set period and plough it into the NHS until it get's back on's feet!

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Sir Francis Drake

Sir Francis Drake

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Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS?   Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? EmptySun Jun 17, 2018 2:51 pm

There is no such thing as a Brexit dividend.

They would rather sell the NHS than keep it under government control.

They hate raising taxes.

Don't worry about it.

it won't happen.

And as soon as Brexit is done Theresa May will be replaced by someone else so she won't be around to see it is done either - even if she meant it to start with.

This NHS proposeal is just a sweetener for the Brexit bozoes in her own party to keep them from frothing at the mouth (too much) for the time being because their demands for a complete break with the EU are set to collapse around their ears in the next round of negotiations as it was always inevitable that they would.
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Sir Francis Drake

Sir Francis Drake

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Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS?   Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? EmptySun Jun 17, 2018 2:54 pm

The amount spent on foreign aid is tiny.

The amount proposed for the NHS is huge.

Scrap all the foreign aid and it makes no difference: taxes will have to rise or borrowing will have to increase or both or there will need to be huge cuts (as you suggest) and even more pay freezes in the public sector.
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Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS?   Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? EmptySun Jun 17, 2018 3:00 pm

0.7% of the UK's Gross National Income on overseas development aid each year amounts to just over £12 billion.

Ok, as you say, .07 is a tiny amount, but that £12 billion would be a huge boost towards the running costs of the NHS. Not to be sniffed at, shorly!
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Sir Francis Drake

Sir Francis Drake

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Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS?   Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? EmptySun Jun 17, 2018 3:39 pm

Maybe not but it isn't enough no matter how you slice it.

There is also lots of good reason for foreign aid and I wouldn't be surprised if it generated more income for us than it costs.

This whole thing is just another raise of the stakes in the poker game/internal power struggle that masquerades as our government. All of it is about power and who wields it. In the short term it appeases their eye swivellers by proclaiming a non-existent Brexit dividend as a Real Thing (and nobody who has actually contemplated the figures, commitments already made and projections thinks it is) and in the longer term it holds their feet to the fire about future NHS spending which they never had any intention of implementing anyway so when they do boot her out they have a rather tricky policy/funding gap to fill.

This is fantastic politics but that's all it is. Not even Theresa May believes it will happen.
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Big Robby

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Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS?   Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? EmptySun Jun 17, 2018 5:39 pm

I think foreign aid should be done away with entirely. And then all the cun ts who raped and pillaged there way to fortunes in theses 3rd world countrys should be made to give the billions back they made in India, Africa etc. Discuss
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Big Robby

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Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS?   Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? EmptySun Jun 17, 2018 5:45 pm

Im sure loads of Africans and Asians would love all these foreigners to feck off back to where they came from but it looks like that only applies to white British
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Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS?   Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? EmptySun Jun 17, 2018 5:57 pm

well I would welcome an extra £20 billion a year spent on the NHS and keep up foreign aid too.
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Les Miserable

Les Miserable

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Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS?   Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? EmptySun Jun 17, 2018 6:04 pm

Vote labour then Pat.
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Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS?   Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? EmptySun Jun 17, 2018 6:26 pm

The ATD underbelly making a very rare public appearance. jocolor Geddon
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Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS?   Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? EmptyMon Jun 18, 2018 6:43 am

Les Miserable wrote:
Vote labour then Pat.

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Mock Cuncher

Mock Cuncher

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Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS?   Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? EmptyMon Jun 18, 2018 1:35 pm

I'd be prepared to tax Starbucks and Amazon more to the benefits of the NHS.
I'd be prepared to reduce our military spending to the benefits of the NHS.
I'd be prepared to reform the NHS in favour of the qualified staff working there.
I'd probs be prepared to lose an extra £50 a month out my wage if the above happened as well.

Health's important, ya know.
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Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS?   Would you be prepared to pay more tax for NHS? EmptyMon Jun 18, 2018 2:16 pm

I live in Scotland so I already do.

Anonymity, lol you soft cocked cnut.
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