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 Green Taverners

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Charlie Wood
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Green Taverners Empty
PostSubject: Green Taverners   Green Taverners EmptyTue Feb 07, 2012 8:09 am

I see on the pasoti twatter link that the GT's are holding a Press Conference at 10am for a big announcement. Coincidentally its the Trust election results today.
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Charlie Wood

Charlie Wood

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Green Taverners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green Taverners   Green Taverners EmptyTue Feb 07, 2012 8:51 am

Ha, I'm not willing to see any conspiracy in that timing. I think the GT's have shown they plough their own furrow and although I, personally, view their activities with a kind of caution they have always conducted themselves towards other groups with scrupulous correctness.

By forming a limited company and running it as a business, from which the football club eventually benefits (OK we can have the JB benefits argument) they are following the right path.
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Old Timer

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Green Taverners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green Taverners   Green Taverners EmptyTue Feb 07, 2012 11:08 am

Whatever you think of the Tavevers they have done really well to get this together.Sounds like a good weekend for all.
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Green Taverners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green Taverners   Green Taverners EmptyTue Feb 07, 2012 11:11 am

Old Timer wrote:
Whatever you think of the Tavevers they have done really well to get this together.Sounds like a good weekend for all.

Any link available ?
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Green Taverners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green Taverners   Green Taverners EmptyTue Feb 07, 2012 11:21 am


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Green Taverners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green Taverners   Green Taverners EmptyTue Feb 07, 2012 11:24 am

Here you go Tring [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Quite a coup from them, even though I still don't agree with them having to accelerate the staff payments. James Brent should hang his head in shame that the staff are still reliant on handouts from people like the GT's.

One person who will be wetting himself with excitement over this is Dane Bunney. Oooh Ooh Man Utd in town dribble dribble, must get twatting.
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Green Taverners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green Taverners   Green Taverners EmptyTue Feb 07, 2012 11:25 am

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
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Green Taverners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green Taverners   Green Taverners EmptyTue Feb 07, 2012 11:34 am

Imagine what good the GTs could be doing with this cash raised if Brent were to stand up to his responsibilities and take on this burden of paying the staff himself!

Good on the GTs, it's a shame that Brent can't find a backdoor to stand up to his responsibilities. How about a 20k donation to the GTs to start with Mr Brent so that the staff can be paid the money they are owed and promised?


Could Nikk be Brent?
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Green Taverners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green Taverners   Green Taverners EmptyTue Feb 07, 2012 11:41 am

looks like a cracker of a weekend.

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Green Taverners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green Taverners   Green Taverners EmptyTue Feb 07, 2012 11:42 am

When did Brent start to show an interest in Argyle? Nikkk has been a Pasoti member since Feb 8th 2011
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Green Taverners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green Taverners   Green Taverners EmptyTue Feb 07, 2012 11:46 am

GOB wrote:
Imagine what good the GTs could be doing with this cash raised if Brent were to stand up to his responsibilities and take on this burden of paying the staff himself!

Good on the GTs, it's a shame that Brent can't find a backdoor to stand up to his responsibilities. How about a 20k donation to the GTs to start with Mr Brent so that the staff can be paid the money they are owed and promised?


Could Nikk be Brent?

I sincerely hope not. Wouldn't that be false accounting or something? Brent strikes me as far too astute to do anything that stupid.
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Green Taverners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green Taverners   Green Taverners EmptyTue Feb 07, 2012 12:45 pm

"What a coup and chance to see some of the greatest ever British footballers - and also some Man Utd players too Smile"

I liked that. Very Happy
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Green Taverners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green Taverners   Green Taverners EmptyTue Feb 07, 2012 3:54 pm

Greenjock wrote:
When did Brent start to show an interest in Argyle? Nikkk has been a Pasoti member since Feb 8th 2011

That's something i've thought about aswell! Could Nickk be Brent?
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Green Taverners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green Taverners   Green Taverners EmptyTue Feb 07, 2012 4:10 pm

Yea Man wrote:
Greenjock wrote:
When did Brent start to show an interest in Argyle? Nikkk has been a Pasoti member since Feb 8th 2011

That's something i've thought about aswell! Could Nickk be Brent?

Who knows? He wasn't one of the faithful who decided to use their real name when IJN wanted to show what a bunch of secretive freaks we were on here Razz glad he did though, that's how I found out about ATD. The masses are gradually reverting back to usernames now so doubt he will ever let on who he is. Like I've said before, very generous guy cheers
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Green Taverners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green Taverners   Green Taverners EmptyTue Feb 07, 2012 4:12 pm

GOB wrote:
Imagine what good the GTs could be doing with this cash raised if Brent were to stand up to his responsibilities and take on this burden of paying the staff himself!

A bench mark by which I judge the man's genuine care for the Football Club against his real reason for getting involved in the first place.

Also something I believe should have been imposed on any prospective buyer of the club by the footballing authorities, who totally abandoned any duty of care for people working within their industry; when it was up for grabs along with it's lucrative real estate footprint.

Only then could the supporters of the club sleep easily in their beds.
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Green Taverners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green Taverners   Green Taverners EmptyTue Feb 07, 2012 4:18 pm

It's so Plymouth and so village.

Put a little cash where your mouth is Brent , or f*ck off !

The local yeomanry, bless some of 'em, will do their best but this is now getting to pi$$ taking proportions.

If Brent carries on like this without offering the Trust a 51% shareholding, I can only envisage years of mediocrity, with the serfs running around [cos they loves the club and are praaaaaper faaaans], whilst the fantastic James Brent concentrates on other things.

Enjoy the ride.....people!

ps You'll find me n el presidente in the directaaaaaars box but we will come down to the pyramid for some praaaaaaaper jaaaaaaner adulation from time to time.
pps I really didn't think it could get this bad.
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Green Taverners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green Taverners   Green Taverners EmptyTue Feb 07, 2012 4:18 pm

merse wrote:
GOB wrote:
Imagine what good the GTs could be doing with this cash raised if Brent were to stand up to his responsibilities and take on this burden of paying the staff himself!

A bench mark by which I judge the man's genuine care for the Football Club against his real reason for getting involved in the first place.

Also something I believe should have been imposed on any prospective buyer of the club by the footballing authorities, who totally abandoned any duty of care for people working within their industry; when it was up for grabs along with it's lucrative real estate footprint.

Only then could the supporters of the club sleep easily in their beds.

Been done to death Razz
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Green Taverners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green Taverners   Green Taverners EmptyTue Feb 07, 2012 4:31 pm

Greenjock wrote:
Here you go Tring [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Quite a coup from them, even though I still don't agree with them having to accelerate the staff payments. James Brent should hang his head in shame that the staff are still reliant on handouts from people like the GT's.

I couldn't agree more. Still, at least everyone knows what they're contributing to now, and that's the main thing... no charitable confusion. They pay off the debts, and then James Brent pipes up in a year or two, starts some matched funding 'community project' and takes all the credit for funding it ..... I can hear it now.

James Brent said he wouldn't pay for the administration period, and in a strange sort of way that still seems it might be largely the case as far as wages go. Apart from the initial 17% or whatever it was, it seems the rest of those millions are set against future income of the club, thus rendering us that bit more uncompetitive.
I suppose he had every right not to pay for the NWO disaster and just maybe somewhere in all of this, it could be right that if the NWO weren't going to pay, then the club itself should pay back those wages. I just wish the latest sychophantic drivel about this new owner would stop, but this is Plymouth Argyle, and there's a lot of serfs out there looking for a squire.

As for the event, I would assume lots of folk will enjoy it, so that's no bad thiong.
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Green Taverners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green Taverners   Green Taverners EmptyWed Feb 08, 2012 8:48 pm

I fully understand and respect the feelings of the majority of posters on ATD regarding the accelerated staff payments however if any reader would be interested in any of the corporate sponsorship or entertaining packages available for the Legends weekend then please feel free to PM me with your contact details.
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Green Taverners Empty
PostSubject: Re: Green Taverners   Green Taverners Empty

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