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 Tisdale to MK Dons

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Tisdale to MK Dons Empty
PostSubject: Tisdale to MK Dons   Tisdale to MK Dons EmptyTue May 29, 2018 10:22 am

Looks like there could be some legs in this as his most recent comments are hardly those of someone who is happy with his current lot, unless he’s trying to strengthen his hand.

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His right hand man has retired, he’s obviously tired of the lack of appreciation from people inside the club and in the stands, his contract runs out in November and a new one remains unsigned and sounds like he’s fed up with the constant player sales and the club standing still.

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Tisdale to MK Dons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tisdale to MK Dons   Tisdale to MK Dons EmptyTue May 29, 2018 2:40 pm

Sure I read they served notice on him that once his rolling deal is up in November they aren't extending it
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Tisdale to MK Dons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tisdale to MK Dons   Tisdale to MK Dons EmptyTue May 29, 2018 7:41 pm

I think they want to keep him, there was the offer of a new contract which he “didn’t like” apparently, but don’t want to be Tied to him.

I think the loss of Perryman could be the bigger kicker, it would be interesting to hear My pun fellow Hugh Middes perspective, I guess he’s not about Very Happy
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