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 "Worth the price of admission alone..."

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Sir Francis Drake

Sir Francis Drake

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"Worth the price of admission alone..." Empty
PostSubject: "Worth the price of admission alone..."   "Worth the price of admission alone..." EmptySun Apr 22, 2018 11:06 am

Yesterday in the Spurs v Manyoo semi there was one of those moments.

In the build-up to the Spurs goal Sanchez lobbed a channel ball up the right-hand side for Ericson (I have no idea how to spell his name) to run onto.

That's the bare detail but what a ball! Not only did it make 40 yards up the pitch but it faded a little as it came down so that something that would have been all but uncontrollable dropping over a right shoulder suddenly drifted across his left shoulder and fell just right for Eryckssen who banged over a back-sticker for Delle Alli to score. (Eirekzen's pass was pretty decent too and it was a great goal all round.)

Anyway if Sanchez intended that ball to drop exactly like that I think it was quite possibly the greatest pass I have ever seen. It was probably just a fluke but I'd like to think he meant it.
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"Worth the price of admission alone..." Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Worth the price of admission alone..."   "Worth the price of admission alone..." EmptySun Apr 22, 2018 5:55 pm

Saw that. A great game.

Also watched the Eastleigh/ Macclesfield game. It was like Argyle revisited.
Nate Blisset, Zabroski and Rada Johnson all playing!

I'm one of the common people so says the wife!
(A true GSG Girl)

PepsiPete Forecasting League Champion 2016-17

He was behind me at Charlton!  affraid

Now an officially semi retired old fart! bounce
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