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 £2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads

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Sir Francis Drake

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£2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: £2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads   £2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads - Page 4 EmptyWed Jan 10, 2018 4:27 pm

harvetheslayer wrote:
Sir Francis Drake wrote:
If it is OK for pissheads to be charged then why not junkies? Nobody forces them to stick needles in their arms, do they?

Couldnt agree more with you SFD I would happily include that lot in the billing in fact double billing with that crew
Bees not the kid breaking his ankle playing football no thats clearly a different scenario

How about those addicted to prescription drugs?
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£2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: £2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads   £2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads - Page 4 EmptyWed Jan 10, 2018 5:39 pm

Innocent Egbunike wrote:
harvetheslayer wrote:
Graiser wrote:
strange in my younger days of getting very inebriated I don’t ever recall being carted off in an ambulance, more afraid of a thick ear from the old man

......and therein lies the exact point I was making in the OP.  You get pissed, you make disruption, you use vital NHS resources and you should pay simple as. No one but no one forces it down your throat.
Make it clear with a lead in period in that if you turn up pissed at A&E you get a surcharge of £200 no messing no bullshit just billed

Once upon a time, a friend and I got beaten up in town - him far worse than me. We were both pissed - I think I'd had about 9 pints (I was glad too, it hurt less). We did nothing to cause the incident, just on the receiving end of some unsavoury characters.

My mate had his leg broken where they'd jumped up and down on him. It required an ambulance, A&E, an overnight stay, surgery and quite heavy police involvement. Should he/we have been charged for wasting hospital resources because we were drunk? I'm assuming in your world that we'd have needed to be brethalysed upon entry to the A&E? Few quid in cost right there too. Then there would be the appeal process for getting our money back when it was ruled we were victims, not perpetrators...maybe even some compo! Ker-ching, ker-ching, ker-ching.

The problem with sledgehammer Daily Mail headlines/opinions is that they pretty much always conveniently ignore the nuances in life.

What’s all this my world bit ?
I’m assuming the OP was referring to bog standard pissed up people who become a danger to themselves, not as in your case.
My brother in law was beaten up in similar circumstances to you, he was the most gentlest person you could imagine and a gifted artist, as a result he was brain damaged for the rest of his life and most probably his life was shortened by his injuries, so please don’t fall into the same groove as the Bee by assuming as in his world what type of person he/you may think I am.
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£2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: £2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads   £2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads - Page 4 EmptyWed Jan 10, 2018 6:16 pm

Yep, as if proof were ever needed, the rules change when it's you and yours that are affected. Maybe we should have a few vigilante volunteers at A and E checking on the injured before  they're admitted. There's a few budding  Duetertes on this thread as usual for football forums, never too late for some for another final solution to a perceived problem. Sod the carrot, just give 'em the stick, or cuff in Graisers case. My father tried to cuff me once. He never did it again.
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£2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: £2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads   £2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads - Page 4 EmptyWed Jan 10, 2018 6:32 pm

beesrus wrote:
Yep, as if proof were ever needed, the rules change when it's you and yours that are affected. Maybe we should have a few vigilante volunteers at A and E checking on the injured before  they're admitted. There's a few budding  Duetertes on this thread as usual for football forums, never too late for some for another final solution to a perceived problem.

No it’s the wrong assumptions you always make when your in your pulpit writing your usual crap, your very good behind your keyboard machine gunning aspersions around implying what type of person I’m supposed to be, when you actually know sod all about me.

Sadly brave keyboard warriors like yourself are demeaning what football fans forum were meant to be, all quite sad really
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£2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: £2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads   £2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads - Page 4 EmptyWed Jan 10, 2018 8:00 pm

can't we just talk about the football?
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Rollo Tomasi

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£2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: £2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads   £2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads - Page 4 EmptyWed Jan 10, 2018 8:29 pm

beesrus wrote:
Maybe we should have a few vigilante volunteers at A and E checking on the injured before  they're admitted.

Great idea. Only trouble is they're also needed to prevent the Fire Engines being destroyed whilst the firemen are fighting fires or attending RTA's. Most of these scum are either drugged up or pissed. Ah bless.
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£2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: £2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads   £2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads - Page 4 EmptyWed Jan 10, 2018 10:10 pm

Graiser wrote:
beesrus wrote:
Yep, as if proof were ever needed, the rules change when it's you and yours that are affected. Maybe we should have a few vigilante volunteers at A and E checking on the injured before  they're admitted. There's a few budding  Duetertes on this thread as usual for football forums, never too late for some for another final solution to a perceived problem.

No it’s the wrong assumptions you always make when your in your pulpit writing your usual crap, your very good behind your keyboard machine gunning aspersions around implying what type of person I’m supposed to be, when you actually know sod all about me.

Sadly brave keyboard warriors like yourself are demeaning what football fans forum were meant to be, all quite sad really

What you see on the keyboard is what you get in life if you come across me. Oh, and as you rightly said, it's an assumption of how you are. Assumptions aren't illegal .... Yet. I'm sure you have a few.
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£2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: £2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads   £2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads - Page 4 Empty

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£2.7 billion a year NHS bill for dealing with pissheads
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