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 Neymar to PSG

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Sir Francis Drake
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Neymar to PSG Empty
PostSubject: Neymar to PSG   Neymar to PSG EmptyWed Aug 02, 2017 8:03 pm

Fooking ridiculous. The game is fooked.

Lifted from Twitter...............

- £650K a week

- £92,860 a day

- £3869 an hour

- £64.50 a minute

- £1.10 per second

Astonishing, obscene and quite obnoxious.
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Neymar to PSG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neymar to PSG   Neymar to PSG EmptyWed Aug 02, 2017 8:24 pm

......and he gets that when he is injured, or gets dropped, or hours contract it aint.
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Neymar to PSG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neymar to PSG   Neymar to PSG EmptyWed Aug 02, 2017 8:37 pm

zyph wrote:
......and he gets that when he is injured, or gets dropped, or hours contract it aint.

So, a bit like the executive class in everyday business then, once the shop floor and marketing is set up ?
Whether some on here like it or not, our Wild West system is fecked, and without reform and some form of control, there's big big trouble ahead. I seriously think the massive money that bonehead dunce footballers get has had a huge effect in the last 20 years on the ethics of the wider alpha male/clever/educated wankers/politicians in our society who see it all as a  green light to fill their own boots. They just won't accept the boneheads getting more than them. We're all simple animals in reality. Classic corruption of an attempt at civilised co-existence and historical fall of a culture that promised so much with it's founding ideals, now being pissed all over. There is an inherent exponential monetary madness.
I've kept the politics out of this post Laughing
If I had a time machine, and I never thought I would say this, but I might just go back to the 50s and have a right old chinwag with Jimmy Hill, and tell him to insert a few caveats into his well meaning intentions.
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Neymar to PSG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neymar to PSG   Neymar to PSG EmptyWed Aug 02, 2017 9:32 pm

Well I think if an employer dangled 650k a week in front of me I'm fairly confident I'd accept it!

But football as we once knew it, is dead and gone.
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Neymar to PSG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neymar to PSG   Neymar to PSG EmptyWed Aug 02, 2017 9:58 pm

it died along time ago grasier.
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Neymar to PSG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neymar to PSG   Neymar to PSG EmptyWed Aug 02, 2017 10:18 pm

Elias wrote:
it died along time ago grasier.

Yep your probably right there Elias
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Sir Francis Drake

Sir Francis Drake

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Neymar to PSG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neymar to PSG   Neymar to PSG EmptyWed Aug 02, 2017 11:21 pm

Let's look at this from another angle.

All I see is supply and demand in action with a worker being in the position to hold out for favourable terms until he gets them and why shouldn't he?

Either PSG have the money to afford it or their owners have the money instead. What do you think would happen to it if they did not give it to Neymar?

If it is personal money then it just sits in an account somewhere off-shore doing nothing and benefitting nobody. If it is PSG's money then they either give it to Neymar or someone else or a collection of someone elses. Either way it gets spent regardless.

They could, of course, not sign Neymar and use that money to make admission cheaper but that wouldn't win them any games due to their stadium being sold out all the time anyway. So why do that?

So if Neymar doesn't get it the owners of PSG keep it one way or another.

In a peculiar way it is vaguely re-distributive. Neymar's wealth is as nothing to that of PSG's owners so at least he is a conduit to taking some of the money away away from the very top - because all Neymar will ever be is near the top. From there "Neymar" will be the brand name for a mini-corporation and he will in effect be a one-man industry which, no doubt, supports his wider family and employs dozens of people so it isn't all bad.

That same money could, and probably should, be spent providing clean water in the third world or building schools and hospitals or finding a cure for cancer but it wouldn't be and if PSG's owners cared a jot about such things they could bung the dosh that way regardless. OK it isn't happening but it wouldn't happen even if Neymar was to play for nothing.

Neymar will end his career richly rewarded, just as long as he doesn't blow the lot along the way, and won't have to live his life out as an unskilled middle-aged, largely skint bloke with knackered knees running a pub and doing a bit of after-dinner speaking like so many hundreds before him did in the "good old days". Don't begrudge him a penny of it but rail against the entire system that leads us to this point.

And here is a thought: Manchester City have already spent more this summer in transfer fees and guaranteed wages than the Neymar deal will cost PSG.
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Les Miserable

Les Miserable

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Neymar to PSG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neymar to PSG   Neymar to PSG EmptyWed Aug 02, 2017 11:53 pm

Some of the crumbs usually fall under the table...such a waste.
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Neymar to PSG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neymar to PSG   Neymar to PSG EmptyThu Aug 03, 2017 8:25 am

Wonder how there gunna get around the 55% wage cap around this one proberly set up fake sponsorship deals..if i remember rightly didnt man city once sponsor there own team coach to make it look like there income was more than there out goings
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Neymar to PSG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neymar to PSG   Neymar to PSG EmptyThu Aug 03, 2017 10:40 pm

P.O.I wrote:
Fooking ridiculous. The game is fooked.

Lifted from Twitter...............

- £650K a week

- £92,860 a day

- £3869 an hour

- £64.50 a minute

- £1.10 per second

Astonishing, obscene and quite obnoxious.
Yep - and no doubt his accountants are working through the loopholes to avoid paying too much tax.
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Neymar to PSG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neymar to PSG   Neymar to PSG EmptyThu Aug 03, 2017 10:52 pm

Sir Francis Drake wrote:
Let's look at this from another angle.

All I see is supply and demand in action with a worker being in the position to hold out for favourable terms until he gets them and why shouldn't he?

Either PSG have the money to afford it or their owners have the money instead. What do you think would happen to it if they did not give it to Neymar?

If it is personal money then it just sits in an account somewhere off-shore doing nothing and benefitting nobody. If it is PSG's money then they either give it to Neymar or someone else or a collection of someone elses. Either way it gets spent regardless.

They could, of course, not sign Neymar and use that money to make admission cheaper but that wouldn't win them any games due to their stadium being sold out all the time anyway. So why do that?

So if Neymar doesn't get it the owners of PSG keep it one way or another.

In a peculiar way it is vaguely re-distributive. Neymar's wealth is as nothing to that of PSG's owners so at least he is a conduit to taking some of the money away away from the very top - because all Neymar will ever be is near the top. From there "Neymar" will be the brand name for a mini-corporation and he will in effect be a one-man industry which, no doubt, supports his wider family and employs dozens of people so it isn't all bad.

That same money could, and probably should, be spent providing clean water in the third world or building schools and hospitals or finding a cure for cancer but it wouldn't be and if PSG's owners cared a jot about such things they could bung the dosh that way regardless. OK it isn't happening but it wouldn't happen even if Neymar was to play for nothing.

Neymar will end his career richly rewarded, just as long as he doesn't blow the lot along the way, and won't have to live his life out as an unskilled middle-aged, largely skint bloke with knackered knees running a pub and doing a bit of after-dinner speaking like so many hundreds before him did in the "good old days". Don't begrudge him a penny of it but rail against the entire system that leads us to this point.

And here is a thought: Manchester City have already spent more this summer in transfer fees and guaranteed wages than the Neymar deal will cost PSG.

No. This transfer isn't about supply and demand. It's about Qatar making a statement to the rest of the Arab world that the blockade imposed isn't having any effect. Qatar own PSG, the money is loose change to them. They're making a political statement and using the world's most popular game to do so.
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Neymar to PSG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neymar to PSG   Neymar to PSG EmptyFri Aug 04, 2017 9:41 am

So, it is ok after all to mix politics and football on here and out in the big wide world. I'm always getting grief for it. lol!

For what it's worth, when I studied economics, political weather was always very much part of any true supply and demand curve. In fact it's one of the biggest influences and cannot be taken out of the equation. Fiddling interest rates is the obvious one to the layman and that has always been politically driven despite the recent bogus attempts to dress it up as free market crap, which, as we've seen to our cost, is also rigged.
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Neymar to PSG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neymar to PSG   Neymar to PSG EmptyFri Aug 04, 2017 10:26 am

The President of Barcelona must have snapped PSG's hands off when they offered that for Neymar. Ridiculous price for a player and certainly isnt worth anywhere near a world record fee.
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Neymar to PSG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neymar to PSG   Neymar to PSG EmptyFri Aug 04, 2017 9:20 pm

just an average player
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Neymar to PSG Empty
PostSubject: Re: Neymar to PSG   Neymar to PSG EmptySat Aug 05, 2017 11:07 am

So they pay £200 million but can't afford a first class stamp.
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