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 73/74 dream season

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73/74 dream season Empty
PostSubject: 73/74 dream season   73/74 dream season EmptyWed May 10, 2017 6:45 pm

I've been asked by a relative if I know the whereabouts of the song that was produced during/after the 73/74 dream season. It started with? ''furnell is our goalie, Saxon delve green rafferty is our team ... '' roughly. Any help be appreciated.

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73/74 dream season Empty
PostSubject: Re: 73/74 dream season   73/74 dream season EmptyWed May 10, 2017 7:28 pm

tigertony wrote:
I've been asked by a relative if I know the whereabouts of the song that was produced during/after the 73/74 dream season. It started with? ''furnell is our goalie, Saxon delve green rafferty is our team ... '' roughly. Any help be appreciated.


'twas 1974/75 in fact. When you say whereabouts, what exactly do you mean? I've got a vinyl copy somewhere in the house but whether you could get it from a record dealer or whatever, feck only knows. It was sung to the tune of It's a long way to Tipperary with Plymouth Argyle replacing Tipperary, can't remember what the B side was. Maybe GOS has got it somewhere.
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Posts : 2406
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73/74 dream season Empty
PostSubject: Re: 73/74 dream season   73/74 dream season EmptyWed May 10, 2017 7:44 pm

Greenskin wrote:
tigertony wrote:
I've been asked by a relative if I know the whereabouts of the song that was produced during/after the 73/74 dream season. It started with? ''furnell is our goalie, Saxon delve green rafferty is our team ... '' roughly. Any help be appreciated.


'twas 1974/75 in fact. When you say whereabouts, what exactly do you mean? I've got a vinyl copy somewhere in the house but whether you could get it from a record dealer or whatever, feck only knows. It was sung to the tune of It's a long way to Tipperary with Plymouth Argyle replacing Tipperary, can't remember what the B side was. Maybe GOS has got it somewhere.
Thanks. I understand it was mis-spelt as well as Argyll !! I'm hunting around now.
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Sir Francis Drake

Sir Francis Drake

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73/74 dream season Empty
PostSubject: Re: 73/74 dream season   73/74 dream season EmptyWed May 10, 2017 9:48 pm

I've still got the 45 somewhere too.

The B-side was to the tune of "what a rotten singer and what a rotten song" with the referee taking over from the singer with lots of "champion side" instead of "rotten singer" thrown in.

It definitely used to be on GoS.
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Posts : 2406
Join date : 2012-01-05

73/74 dream season Empty
PostSubject: Re: 73/74 dream season   73/74 dream season EmptyWed May 10, 2017 10:59 pm

Thanks. A green fan has come up trumps and is trying to get his vinyl recorded onto a CD. Aren't Argyle fans great.
salute salute
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